VCE Coordinator’s Message

Dear Sirius College Family,

2016 was another successful year for Sirius College in terms of VCE results. 66 students completed their VCE and 98.48% (65 students) received an offer from universities. 14 students (21.21%) have received more than one offer.

We are in week 6 now and it is the time of the year where students begin to come to terms with the importance of their studies as they have started sitting for their SACs (School Assessed Coursework). All Year 12 and Year 11 student’s SAC calendars for semester 1 are finalized, with all assessments on SEQTA. We tried to allocate a maximum of 2 SACs per day so that they can organise themselves better and perform well.

On the 23rd February we held our VCE Award Ceremony at Serenity Reception where our high achievers of 2016 received awards. Our current year 12 students were present at the event and we hope they were motivated and inspired by the achievements made by our 2016 high achievers.

I would like to mention the importance of SACs and attendance during VCE years. SACs are the most important school assessment component for VCE subjects. The ranking, marks and indicative grades besides the unit results are submitted to the VCAA by subject teachers. Not being able to attend a SAC is a very serious matter. Justifying the matter is not the same method as it was in years 7-10. There are more procedures and paperwork required. If a student fails to attend a SAC Sirius College Medical Impact statement completed by a doctor must be provided to VCE Coordinator before sitting for the Sac that is missed.

Attendance to VCE classes is an important issue as students are required to attend 80% of their lessons. In the case of attendance requirements not being met, an ‘N’ might be issued and the student’s requirements for satisfactorily completing VCE might be at jeopardy.

Also I would like to remind parents again about overseas trips. Any absences in June or July arising from overseas trips are not approved and will directly affect students’ VCE eligibility.

This year we have Ms. Inass Fayad as our year 11-12 level Coordinator. She will be dealing with any issue regarding uniform, discipline, lateness, attendance, etc. Ms. Inass Fayad will be the first point of contact for related issues.

We wish the best for all our students in their academic endeavors.

Kindest Regards,

Kevser Gunduz
VCE Coordinator